Magento – Importing Product image in Magento 2


I am getting following error when I am trying to import CSV file as Product import.

enter image description here

I used following commands for access permission.

find var vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type f -exec chmod g+w {} \;
find var vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type d -exec chmod g+ws {} \;

I increased php execution time in apache server.

I used item_xxl_12063874_18123233.jpg as base-image in CSV file.

I used pub/media/import as Images File Directory in Product import screen and placed all the images in pub/media/import.

Here is CSV file formate

enter image description here

Best Answer

Import Images from the Local Server

1. On the Magento server, upload the image files to the pub/media/import folder. This is the default folder for importing product images.

[magento installation folder]/pub/media/import

You can use a different folder on the Magento server, as long as the path to the folder is specified during the import process.

2. In the CSV data, enter the name of each image file to be imported on the correct row, by sku, and in the correct column according to image type (base_image, small_image, thumbnail_image, or additional_images).

For images in the default import folder(/pub/media/import), do not include the path before the filename in the CSV data.

The CSV file must include only the sku column and the related image columns.

enter image description here

CSV Import Image from Default Location

3. Follow the instructions to import the data.

After selecting the file to import, enter the relative path following Images File Directory:


enter image description here

Images File Directory

If importing multiple images for a single sku, insert a blank row below the sku, and enter the additional image file names in the appropriate columns. The additional rows are understood to belong to the parent sku.