Magento – In Magento 2 , configurable product options disabled after the first selection.How to reset option


I am using Magento 2, I have some Configurable Products with a lot of variants (in some cases there are 5 attributes, each with several options). Each variant has a Simple Product associated with it, and the prices are set up under the Super Product Attribute Configuration.

Everything looks correct in Admin as far as I can tell.

On the Front end product page, the first time you select your options is fine, some options are disabled (greyed out) based on the choices you select. (For example, a certain Size may not be available in a certain Colour and that Colour may not be available for one if the other choices etc)

However, if you then change your mind, and what to select a different combination of options, you can't do this because some options remain disabled.

You have to reload the page completely, to reset all the options back to 'Choose an option…'.like
enter image description here

Currently, if I want to change the option value but that value can't be changed as I attached a screenshot so can anybody help? how to do without refreshing page?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Unfortunately, I can't seem to reproduce the said issue on my local instance.

(This is what I experience on my localhost -

Could you either:

  • Upload the CSV for your products (System > Data Transfer : Export > Products) so that I may import it into my localhost and re-test.

  • Provide the URL of your instance where I can test this behavior. (Upload a screencast of the issue in case your instance is not publicly accessible?)

Good luck!



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