Magento – In which table payment method information of order save


I am checking with admin panel order and suddenly when i view particular order. I get error

Uncaught exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'The requested Payment Method is not available.' .

It is inserted in database corrected or not i want to check this. How i can remove this error method. I want to know location of database table in which all information holds regarding magento order. And also when i print order by collection and used following line of code then same error is coming for that order.


Best Answer

To find out which (nonexistent) payment method was used, have a look at the sales_flat_order_payment table which contains the payment information for each order (it has a 1:1 relation to sales_flat_order which is the main table for orders). You are looking for the method column.

To be able to load the orders again, you can change the invalid methods to a standard method like checkmo.

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