Magento CMS – How to Include PHTML


I'm trying to make different page where i need PHP. thats why i use a phtml file. I don't want to make any changes to the other Magento layouts so I just want to include the phtml file via the CMS.

I've made a phtml file in: mycustomtemplate/template/page/page.phtml

that file contains just 'test'.

then I've tried to call in the magento CMS->new page->content tab with:

{{block type="core/template" template="page/page.phtml"}}

but nothing shows up. Is there any way to do this? And how..

Best Answer

The syntax is correct, so the issue is theme misconfiguration or the "Test" output is being hidden in the browser. View source and confirm that the latter is not the case.

Try creating a copy of the file at frontend/base/default/template/page/page.phtml as this template location has to work - if the content appears, the issue is theme misconfiguration.