Magento 2 – Include CC Payment Template in Other Template


I'm working on a credit card (CC) payment module.
I see that Magento 2 already offers a template for CC payments but it contains only the form needed for the payment.
It does not have the radio button that I can check during checkout.
So if I create my payment method renderer like this.

    function (Component) {
        'use strict';

        return Component.extend({
            defaults: {
               template: 'Magento_Payment/payment/cc-form'
            isActive: function() {
                return true;
            getCode: function() {
                return 'payment_code_here';

my payment section in the checkout would look like this (Check/money order is an other payment method):

And I want it to look like this:

I know that I can create my own template and define the method renderer like this:

    function (Component) {
        'use strict';

        return Component.extend({
            defaults: {
                template: '<Vendor>_<Module>/payment/form'
            isActive: function() {
                return true;
            getCode: function() {
                return 'payment_code_here';

And in that template add the markup for the radio button and just copy/paste the default cc-form template where I need it, but I'm trying to avoid that.
Is there a way to include an other template inside my template?
This may be more of a KO question than Magento.

To explain it better…

My custom template looks like this:

<my custom code here />
<code copied from cc-form /> 
<some other custom code here />

I want to replace <code copied from cc-form /> with an include of some kind that will fetch the content from cc-form.

Best Answer

I'm not sure I understand the question fully, do you mean you want to call a KO HTML template from another template/module?

If so the I believe the following markup works (unable to test currently):

<!-- ko template: "Package_Namespace/template-name" --><!-- /ko -->

Or alternatively you can define the template in an object and pass a property like so:

<!-- ko template: propertyExample --><!-- /ko -->
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