Magento2 – Incorrect Theme Identification Key


Any time I run bin/magento setup:upgrade I get Incorrect theme identification key


I understand the source is vendor/magento/framework/View/Design/Theme/FlyweightFactory.php
so I had added echos to try and figure something out

enter image description here

I get

enter image description here

First pass 1, second pass NULL

Now, would be nice to understand where 1 and NULL come from

mysql> select theme_id, theme_path, area from theme;
| theme_id | theme_path      | area      |
|        1 | Magento/blank   | frontend  |
|        2 | Magento/backend | adminhtml |
|        3 | Magento/luma    | frontend  |
mysql> select * from core_config_data where path like '%theme%';
| config_id | scope    | scope_id | path                  | value |
|        34 | stores   |        1 | design/theme/theme_id | 3     |
|        58 | websites |        1 | design/theme/theme_id | 3     |
|        82 | default  |        0 | design/theme/theme_id | 3     |

Only theme set is 3 (Luma), so I don't get how 1 gets passed.
I don't know where the "crontab" area theme is set. Is there anywhere I can set that value so I won't get the error?

Any help is appreciated, happy to provide more info.

Best Answer

insert into theme VALUES (4, 1, 'Magento/luma', 'Magento Luma Cron', NULL, 0, 'crontab', 0, 'Magento/luma');

This is not recommended but, Try the above it fixed for me.

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