Magento 2 Admin Form – Using Input Type Number


I try to add input field type number for magento 2 by using \Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Form\Generic in backend like this:

                'name' => 'sorting_order',
                'label' => __('Sort Order'),
                'title' => __('Sort Order'),
                'required' => false,

when i try to load the form, it will not render the input field type number and make the form and other input fields do not render at all, but when i change the number to text, it will render the input as type text and the form fine

Best Answer

Try this code :-

                'name' => 'sorting_order',
                'label' => __('Sort Order'),
                'title' => __('Sort Order'),
                'required' => false,
                'class' => 'validate-number'
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