Magento 2 Theme Installation Guide


I found one free theme and I want to install it on my server, I follow this steps but the theme is not available in the Magento admin Content > Design > Configuration.

1. Create a folder {Magento root}/app/design/frontend/CzoneTech
2. Extract the contents of the zipped folder inside it.

So now my directory structure is look like:

enter image description here

what I need to do next? or what is wrong?

I run php bin/magento s:s:d and this is the output of the command:

  NOTE: Manual static content deployment is not required in "default" and "de
  veloper" modes.
  In "default" and "developer" modes static contents are being deployed autom
  atically on demand.
  If you still want to deploy in these modes, use -f option: 'bin/magento set
  up:static-content:deploy -f'

And for php bin/magento setup:upgrade the output is:

Nothing to import.
Please re-run Magento compile command. Use the command "setup:di:compile"

Best Answer

I just downloaded theme and configured and it is working fine , I think you put theme content in wrong directory. Just copy downloaded theme content into


and execute below commands,

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento s:s:d -f

php bin/magento cache:flush


If you want to remove theme then you can execute below command,

php bin/magento theme:uninstall

You can execute this command If you Installed the theme by composer, otherwise you need to remove theme component manually.

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