Magento 1.9 – Install Script Will Not Execute


My module lives at app/code/local/Mymod/Pinterestimage.

etc/config.xml containts:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!-- Create Pinterest image attribute using resources-->
                    <!-- <class>Mymod_Pinterestimage_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup</class>-->

In app/code/local/Mymod/Pinterestimage/sql/pinterestimage_setup/install-020.php I have:

echo 'Running This Upgrade: '.get_class($this)."\n <br /> \n";
die("Exit for now");
$installer = $this;

    array (
        'group'             => 'Images',
        'type'              => 'varchar',
        'frontend'          => 'catalog/product_attribute_frontend_image',
        'label'             => 'Default Pinterest Image',
        'input'             => 'media_image',
        'class'             => '',
        'source'            => '',
        'global'            => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_STORE,
        'visible'           => true,
        'required'          => false,
        'user_defined'      => false,
        'default'           => '',
        'searchable'        => false,
        'filterable'        => false,
        'comparable'        => false,
        'visible_on_front'  => false,
        'unique'            => false,

In the database table core_resources I do not see a code column with the attribute Mymod_Pinterestimage

Best Answer

You can delete the record "pinterestimage_setup" from the database table core_resource instead of changing "pinterestimage_setup" to "mymod_pinterestimage_setup"

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