Magento – Integrating chosen.js Prototype or jQuery


Has anyone got chosen.js working on Magento 1.7x?

I've seen one thread talking about problems with it and Magento validation.

If someone knows if it works can he show me how to do it?

Best Answer

Old question, but I just ran into this issue, so I came up with an alternate solution, inspired by the answer given by @kevnk

My solution is to replace all selects, site wide, but it can simply be adjusted to target specific selects.

This is done in magento EE 1.12, but I see no reason for it to work in other versions.

I created the following script which does the following:

  1. Extends the isValidation method of Validation with a fallback to the original (now named _isValidation) The original will be called for anything other than select, or if a select does not have a matching chosen element
  2. Extends insertAdvice method of Validation. This purely changes the container to the matching chosen element, so the validation advice is placed after that
  3. Listens to the chosen.change event to effect a new validation on the main select, to ensure validation errors go away. This has the side (positive) side effect that a validation error immediately appears if the selection is changed to none.

Simply include this code via layout to your site.

document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
    Object.extend(Validation, {
        isVisible : function(elm) {
             if ($(elm).tagName == 'SELECT') {
               if ($( RegExp('-', 'g'), '_') + '_chosen') != undefined) {
                   // need to be careful of payment types, as they may not be selected
                   // so we do not want to validate the children.
                   // determine the parent ul element of this select is display none, and if so,
                   // do not validate it.
                   var parentUL = elm.up('ul');
                   if(typeof parentUL  != 'undefined' && == 'none')
                       return false;
                   return true;
            return this._isVisible(elm);
        _isVisible : function(elm) {
            while (elm.tagName != 'BODY') {
                if (!$(elm).visible()) return false;
                elm = elm.parentNode;
            return true;
        insertAdvice : function(elm, advice){
            if($( RegExp('-', 'g'),'_')+'_chosen') != undefined) {
                var container = $( RegExp('-', 'g'),'_')+'_chosen');
            } else {
                var container = $(elm).up('.field-row');
                Element.insert(container, {after: advice});
            } else if (elm.up('td.value')) {
                elm.up('td.value').insert({bottom: advice});
            } else if (elm.advaiceContainer && $(elm.advaiceContainer)) {
            else {
                switch (elm.type.toLowerCase()) {
                    case 'checkbox':
                    case 'radio':
                        var p = elm.parentNode;
                        if(p) {
                            Element.insert(p, {'bottom': advice});
                        } else {
                            Element.insert(elm, {'after': advice});
                        Element.insert(elm, {'after': advice});


            disable_search_threshold: 10,
            no_results_text: "Sorry, nothing found!",
            width: "100%",
            inherit_select_classes: true


    jQuery("select").chosen().change( function(e){

enter image description here

After using this, I found that in checkout (OPC), the payment methods select boxes are not being transformed, as well as shipping, the state selection box is still visible. The issue is AJAXED in content.

I fixe dthis by wrapping the realoadProgressBlock method in checkout, to re-init the chosen object, thus fixing ajaxed in content.

if(typeof Checkout  != 'undefined')
    Checkout.prototype.reloadProgressBlock = Checkout.prototype.reloadProgressBlock.wrap(function (parent) {
                    disable_search_threshold: 10,
                    no_results_text: "Sorry, nothing found!",
                    width: "84%",
                    inherit_select_classes: true




A slight adjustment is needed in the code above, to make this work in magento EE 1.13 (possibly EE1.14/CE 1.8/1.9 ?)

the call to parent(); in the code above must be changed to parent(this.currentStep);

Hope this is of help to someone.