Magento2 Magento2.3 Module Database – Invalid Configuration File: app/etc/env.php in Magento 2


Disable module after run this command chown www-data -R /var/www/html

My env.php file empty.

php bin/magento c:f

Invalid configuration file: '/var/www/html/upgrademag/app/etc/env.php'

Fatal error: Uncaught Magento \ Framework \ Exception \ RuntimeException: Invalid configuration file: '/var/www/html/upgrademag/app/etc/env.php' in / var / www / html / upgrademag / vendor / magento / framework / App / DeploymentConfig / Reader.php: 118 Stack trace: # 0 /var/www/html/upgrademag/vendor/magento/framework/App/DeploymentConfig.php(140): Magento \ Framework \ App \ DeploymentConfig \ Reader-> load () # 1 /var/www/html/upgrademag/vendor/magento/framework/App/DeploymentConfig.php(70): Magento \ Framework \ App \ DeploymentConfig-> load () # 2 / var / www / html / upgrademag / vendor /magento/framework/App/ObjectManagerFactory.php(114): Magento \ Framework \ App \ DeploymentConfig-> get () # 3 /var/www/html/upgrademag/vendor/magento/framework/App/Bootstrap.php(210 ): Magento \ Framework \ App \ ObjectManagerFactory-> create (Array) # 4 / var / www / html / upgrademag / vendor / magento / framework / App / Bootstrap.php (125): Magento \ Framework \ App \ Bootstrap -> __ construct (Object (Magento \ Framework \ App \ ObjectManagerFactory), '/ var / www / html / u ...', array) # 5 / var / www / html / upgrade / index.php (36): Magento \ Frame in/var/www/html/upgrademag/vendor/magento/framework/App/DeploymentConfig/Reader.php on line 118

Best Answer

This error message is also shown if your app/etc/config.php is missing. If app/etc/env.php is present and you are still seeing this issue, check for app/etc/config.php. If it is not present, Magento can create it by running php bin/magento module:enable --all. This will recreate the file. Then, try running php bin/magento setup:upgrade again.

And More information this link :-

magento setup:upgrade error "deployment configuration is absent"

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