Magento – Invalid credentials for ‘’, aborting


I am having real trouble getting past this stage. I have looked at posts on this topic from different websites and none of the solutions work. I have created secret keys via magentocommerce website and using the keys to login to

Everytime I get the same error:

Invalid credentials for '', aborting.

I have tried the manual approach when the username and password keys are not stored in auth.json file in .composer. After I enter the username I see the following error:

Password: bash: stty: command not found

I then tried to add the username and password to auth.json using the following format suggested here

I then ran this to test:

/usr/local/php56/bin/php-cli composer.phar update –dry-run

Which results with:

Loading composer repositories with package information

Invalid credentials for '', aborting.

I have also created and new magento account and created new set of keys which has not helped.

Is anyone able to help?

Kind regards,


Best Answer

The repository is not available right now, Magento is aware, it should be fixed soon:

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