Magento – Invalid login credentails – Magento Connect Manager / downloader


I have some problem! Invalid login credentails. See

I transferred a complete archive folder magento of my site (htdocs – magento.tar). Moved from one stack to another identical same.

Bitnami stack Magento Installed correctly. Everything is stable. Except for one thing:

I can not log in MagentoConnect downloader in the back-and on my site. Invalid login credentails.
Maybe the problem connect.cfg or local.xml?

Please help,
Need any decisions and advice.


Best Answer

What you can try here is to delete the file downloader/connect.cfg. This file should be created the next time you load the Magento Connect section of the website.

I would always suggest taking a backup of files before deleting them though just for the case that something goes wrong.