Magento 1.7 – Is It Okay to Override core/Mage/Page by Moving It to the Local CodePool?


I have been asked to assess the coding standards for a customised Magento installation and have come across four folders that have been moved into the local/Mage folder in order override the core/Mage.

The folders that have been moved are:


The main concern is Page (for obvious reasons) as it controls the template that is being used. I'm not sure how I could begin to seperate the site in order to not override the core in this way so would like some advice please?

What would be the best approach here??


                <empty module="page" translate="label">
                <one_column module="page" translate="label">
                    <label>1 column</label>
                <two_columns_left module="page" translate="label">
                    <label>2 columns with left bar</label>
                <two_columns_right module="page" translate="label">
                    <label>2 columns with right bar</label>
                <three_columns module="page" translate="label">
                    <label>3 columns</label>
                <home module="page" translate="label">

            <head translate="default_description" module="page">
                <default_title>Magento Commerce</default_title>
                <default_description>Default Description</default_description>
                <default_keywords>Magento, Varien, E-commerce</default_keywords>
            <header translate="welcome" module="page">
                <logo_alt>Magento Commerce</logo_alt>
                <welcome>Default welcome msg!</welcome>
            <footer translate="copyright" module="page">
                <copyright>&amp;copy; 2012 Magento Demo Store. All Rights Reserved.</copyright>

Best Answer

I'm going to respectfully disagree with Fabian if only just to take the contrarian point of view (his assessment of a better way is spot-on):

It's never okay.

Copying files to the local code pool should be a method of last resort. These last resorts include the following reasons:

  • Every method in the class has to change substantially (could still use a rewrite, but ok.)
  • You're backporting a class file from a newer or older version of Magento to support a plugin or Connect module you're working with. This is a rare edge case; copying the class and falling back to local code pool allows you to do this gracefully without actually overwriting the core itself.
  • You're patching Magento until a core patch is released for a known or suspected issue (and you've probably reported it as a legitimate bug with a diff to patch)
  • You're making any changes at all to Zend Framework or Varien lib files

Everything else can be done with rewrites, observers. I take the view that copying to app/code/local/Mage is the easy way out and should never be used short of debugging.

Using app/code/local/Mage makes it difficult to debug issues in stores, especially when changing developers or people unfamiliar are having to sort through issues.

It also makes upgrading more troublesome. Rather than upgrading your core, you have to now manually diff all app/code/local/Mage class files against their now-upgraded canonicals. This is nightmarish; Fabian touched on this.

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