Magento – Different Price and Currency Per Product and Store View


I have setup multi-site in Magento. I have one Website with two Stores and one storeView per Store.

StoreA is in GBP, StoreB is in Euros. I have productA which I would like to sell for £99.99 from StoreA but I would also like to sell ProductA from StoreB for €99.99 which is a custom price not a conversion rate.

I have tried changing the scope in Manage products page (Admin) but it still displays GBP not matter which storeView I have selected.

I'd be grateful if anyone could explain to me how I can achieve this relatively simple task that appears to be having me in a bit of bother….

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You could set different prices for different store views and currencies (custom price not a conversion rate) with Advanced Pricing extension:

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