Is It Possible to Update Order Item Price and Total After Order is Placed


Hi want to update order item price and grand total and order details after order is placed.

suppose,I have place an order with item

Item A – order item price $10

Item b – order item price $20

Discount is $5

Grandtotal – $25

Now my order status is pending and want update order item price and other price just like it

Item A – order item price $40

Item b – order item price $30

Discount is $7

Grandtotal - $63

Is it possible?

Best Answer

I think you can do this just like you would modify any other model instance

$item = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')->load(id here)l


$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load(order id here);

You might also need to change other values like tax, subtotal_incl_tax and others.

But this is a bad practice and you should not do it. It is better just to cancel the order and create a new one.