Magento – Is it safe to truncate the catalog_category_product table


I was trying to reindex Category Products and I kept getting "There was a problem with reindexing process" error message. When I into SSH and tried 'php indexer.php –reindex catalog_category_product', I got:

Category Products index process unknown error:

exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity
constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign
key constraint fails
(account_mage142.mg_catalog_category_product_index, CONSTRAINT
(category_id) REFERENCES mg_catalog_category_entity)' in


Next exception 'Zend_Db_Statement_Exception' with message

Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row:
a foreign key constraint fails
(account_mage142.mg_catalog_category_product_index, CONSTRAINT
(category_id) REFERENCES mg_catalog_category_entity), query was:
INSERT INTO mg_catalog_category_product_index (category_id,
product_id, position, is_parent, store_id, visibility)
SELECT mg_catalog_category_product_index_idx.category_id,
mg_catalog_category_product_index_idx.visibility FROM
mg_catalog_category_product_index_idx ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
category_id = VALUES(category_id), product_id =
VALUES(product_id), position = VALUES(position), is_parent =
VALUES(is_parent), store_id = VALUES(store_id), visibility =
VALUES(visibility)' in

I was advised to truncate the mg_catalog_category_product table but I was wondering if it is safe to do so.. will removing the data in this table have any adverse effects to the data in the Magento store?

Best Answer

It took some digging, but I eventually found this article. Problem solved. :)


Mark as answered, details from link below for future reference:

This error occurs when trying to run the Category Products index, and is due to the indexing process attempting to insert a row into the catalog_category_product_index table, where either the product_id or the category_id don't exist. This causes the "Intergrity Constraint Violation".

This can sometimes happen when a database gets corrupt, often from 3rd party desktop type software or a badly written extension.

To fix this, first check that this is indeed the issue. Backup your database and then run the following SQL to see if any product and/or category associations are incorrect:

# Determine incorrect product associations
SELECT * FROM `catalog_category_product` WHERE
product_id not in (select entity_id from catalog_product_entity);

# Determine incorrect categories
SELECT * FROM `catalog_category_product` WHERE 
category_id not in (select entity_id from catalog_category_entity);

If that returns a record, you'll know exactly which product is in a non-existent category or which category has a non-existent product. Run the following SQL to then remove those invalid records:

# Delete incorrect product associations
DELETE FROM `catalog_category_product` WHERE 
product_id not in (select entity_id from catalog_product_entity);

# Delete incorrect categories
DELETE FROM `catalog_category_product` WHERE 
category_id not in (select entity_id from catalog_category_entity);

Now log back into Magento Admin and reindex the Category Products index.