Magento Connect – How to Rebuild /downloader/cache.cfg


I have quite a messy installation on hand, that i would like to clean up.

the original installation has been updated and the package information in Magento Connect don't mirror the actual content of the installation. I now want to remove some extensions.

The obsolete extension files that need to be removed are stored in the package.xml file that comes with the extension, so my thought was to put this file into /var/package and remove the extension via Magento Connect.

Problem is, that Magento Connect doesn't recognize *.xml files I put there. I know that the information displayed in MC are stored in /downloader/cache.cfg. When I delete this file, the list of installed packages in MC is empty.

Is there a way to rebuild this list from the *.xml files stored in /var/package?

Best Answer

This should be possible via the command line:

./mage clear-cache
./mage mage-setup .
./mage sync --force
./mage sync-pear --force
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