Magento – JS Merging Magento


Is their any way with which we can merge only JS files that are used in Front-end and keep JS files untouched that are used in backend( for admin panel).

I have checked my site with Google Pagespeed and found that my page has 2 blocking script resources. In order to solve this is have simply added "async" to my tag. After this my Pagespeed rank was increased, but on testing i found that on Admin Panel none of grid's select all,select page, select visible action is working as it was throwing some JS Error.

I believe that Some files in admin panel must be using Inline Js that must be dependent on some external file, because of asynchronous Js loading inline Js is not abale to get its desired function and hence resulted in error.

Can any one please guide me how i can overcome this issue.

Best Answer

You just want to merge JS in the frontend but not admin? This is simple! Go to system -> configuration in admin. Set the store scope to default, turn developer -> javascript settings -> merge javascript off and save. Then set your scope to the front end store view and repeat but turn merge javascript on.

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