Magento – Just installed magento … how do i set language


I am new to magento but want to learn all ins and outs 😉

I have downloaded version 1.9 and installed it on my vps (so i did not use the downloader file as that is 1.7 and no demo content)

I went through the installation and so far so good

During install i have set default country Netherlands etc.. as i am form the netherlands

So when viewing the store as is, i see dutch language used, but also some english (guess from pre-set cms pages as about us.

When i go to manage stores, i see 1 line

Website naam: Main Website (code base)
Winkel naam: Main Website Store (Wortelcategorie: Default Category)
Zie Winkel Naam: Default Store View (Code: default)

When i check online how to set up multi language i do not see the extra text between the brackets and only see this

Main Website      Main Website Store    Nederlands
Main Website      Main Website Store    English

How do i make sure i set this up correctly? Dutch is the default language and English is for now the only extra language

I hope someone can set me in the right direction as i can't find this in the manual

Best Answer

Step 1: Open your back-end Magento Connect and install this plugin for DUTCH Translation

Step 2: Grate now you have set up Dutch language pack.Bow Time to configure in backend. As you told that you have set Netherlands as default language then go to the System >> Configuration >> General tab.

Step 3: Now you can see Current Configuration Scope: in above left menu. just click on drop down and select Nederlands store. It will redirect to store view.

Step 4: now you can open Local Options Group Tab and select In Local Dutch (Netherlands).

Step 5: Just click on Save Config.

Step 6: now at front-end you can see your whole site will be translated in Dutch Language.

This are just simple steps when you can set the Language Local.

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