Knockout If-Else Condition Inside HTML File in Magento 2


I am customizing the shopping cart page, Here I worked knockout js and html code file. I successfully wrote If statement by below code.

<!-- ko if: isFreeShipping() -->
   //My Code goes here
<!-- /ko -->

For else statement not working, for these, I wrote below code.

    <!-- ko if: isFreeShipping() -->
       //My Code goes here
    <!-- ko ifnot: isFreeShipping() -->
       //My Code goes here
    <!-- /ko -->

Error: Uncaught Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the
same element.

Can you please suggest me how to write If Else statement in html file?

Best Answer

You should write a below code for else condition

<!-- ko if: isFreeShipping() -->
    //My Code goes here
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: isFreeShipping() -->
    //My Code goes here
<!-- /ko -->