Fix Cron Issues – Last Heartbeat Older Than X Minutes in Magento


The cron tasks heartbeat doesn't appear to be active in my Magento. I'm not sure why this is, I use Plesk to control the server side of things and I've set the following scheduled task (with domain settings/scheduled tasks) in attempt to force the heartbeat. However, it doesn't seem to work. I'd really appreciate any assistance you can give.

Here's the setup:

Minute: */10
Hour: *
Day of Month: *
Month: *
Day of Week *
Command: wget

Cron (Scheduled tasks) in Magento admin has the following info (I haven't updated any of this):
Generate schedule every: 15
Schedule Ahead for: 1
Missed if not run within: 60
History clean up after: 120
Success history lifetime: 60
Failure history lifetime: 600
Mark jobs failed after: 120
Heartbeat task schedule: */5 * * * *

Any ideas?

Thanks very much.

Best Answer

Try this command:

wget -O /dev/null

For debug purposes you can set every 3-4 minutes instead of every 10 minutes. If everything is working properly - in your database in table cron_schedule you will see cron tasks. If this table is clean - something went wrong.


Don't be afraid, your cron runs like clockwork. In your table you see, that cron started successfully and completed successfully.

You got an error "Last heartbeat older than x minutes". In my opinion its very specific issue and related to some 3rd party extension. Try to search on your host this phrase. For example using SSH:

grep -rni 'Last heartbeat older than'

And upload full text of this method in your post.