Magento 2.0.1 – Latest CSS Changes Not Updated in pub/static Folder


I installed magento 2.0.1 and working in developer mode.Now the problem is whenever I change css its not get reflect into pub/static folder . I could refer this Magento2: Re generate css file in pub/static folder but no luck. Before its working fine, Now only its getting problem.

folder permission : 755 and also try 777 but no luck

anything we can do apart from this

note: I am wondering, whenever deploy static content that time also not generated my new updated css old css only getting load and also when I delete any css from my theme pub/static folder its not get generated but, before it get generate after loading page.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

One simple thing which could cause this problem is cache. First thing to try is to refresh and clear magento as well as browser cache.

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