Magento – Layered Navigation not working for newly enabled filters


I have tried to add some existing attributes to the layered navigation filter options. I have set the attribute to be used in layered navi and set filterable (with results).

enter image description here

The Filter is displayed, but it doesn't 'stick' – unlike the other filters available and it does not limit the products in the category view.

enter image description here

I have tried re-indexing, deleting locks, re-indexing again and still the same behaviour.

I have checked the logs but nothing is being logged.

Has anyone had this issue before and knows how to fix any of the above? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Running Magento CE 1.8.1 with the default navigation (no plug in)

Best Answer

The answer is: It's the fault of the Lesti Full Page Cache - Lesti FPC Module.

In System -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System the new URI Parameters for the filters must be added!

I hadn't thought of that and actually thought it would add these or any new filters automatically - but it does not.

As for the '38-FR40' Problem .... I may ask that in a seperate question to avoid confusion with the title.

enter image description here

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