Layout – How to Fix Layout Not Loading Issues


I am creating a module called Mdeprojects_Discount. I have added the following folders

app/local/Mdeprojects/Discount/[plus all relevant folders required]



In the layout folder I have added local.xml and that works as expected. My other layout file which I have in the folder is not loading when I call it, this has been checked by badly formatting the layout file, but I have received no errors. (cacheing is off, errors are on).

In my controller I have ran var_dump($this->getLayout()->getUpdate()->getHandles()) this returns an empty array. But I am using Commercebug and under the Layout tab and "Handles for this request" title, one of the handles returned is <mdeprojects_discount_remainder_remainder />

Why is commerce bug returning a handle and my command not returning anything? (i'm hoping if this is solved, it will also solve why my layout file isn't loading)




class Mdeprojects_Discount_RemainderController
    extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function remainderAction()




I have tried changing my controller file to

    public function remainderAction()

this also tells me that the mdeprojects_discount_remainder_remainder handle is being called. But I am still unable to work out why my layout file is not being loaded?

Best Answer

I think it should be remainder instead of mdeprojects_remainder. At least this is what I use for my extensions

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