Magento – Lazy load Js not working in Magento2.3.1 Version


We use Magento2.3.1, in product list page showing error like

Uncaught TypeError: $(…).lazyload is not a function.

While using Porto theme of Magento 2.x.

Best Answer

To complete this Answer. Soundararajan m is correct but he doesn't specify which files to update. They're located at

app/design/frontend/Smartwave/porto/Mageplaza_AjaxLayer/web/js/view/layer.js app/design/frontend/Smartwave/porto/Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation/web/js/view/layer.js

Update the top of the layer.js file to this

], function ($, submitFilterAction, ultil) {

This will solve this error.

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