List of Unused Core Modules Safe to Turn Off in Magento 2


Reffering to this this topic for Magento 1, maybe it would be useful to prepare a list of core Magento 2 modules that can be turn off or completely removed with no harm for our store, because they are hardly used.

To begin with some propositions:

  • Magento_Ups or Magento_Dhl or Magento_Fedex (if our client won't use them shipment)
  • Magento_Paypal – as above
  • Magento_AdminNotification (sometimes annoying)
  • all modules with Import/Export – if we don't migrate our store from Magento 1
  • Magento_Bundle or Magento_Downloadable or Magento_GroupedProduct – if won't be used
  • Magento_GiftMessage – (if not used)
  • Magento_Rss – if not used
  • Magento_Sitemap

And here some questionable ones – if someone has experience with them, please let know if they are useful for anything:

  • Magento_Marketplace
  • Magento_Msrp
  • Magento_NewRelicReporting
  • Magento_OfflineShipping & Magento_OfflinePayments
  • Magento_SampleData
  • Magento_Swagger
  • Magento_Usps
  • Magento_Vault

Best Answer

Here's a list of what I think the modules do, it might help knowing what you can try to disable.

Important note: please check the module dependencies when disabling modules because some dependencies may be breaking.

  • AdminNotification: can be disabled. But it's useful to get the last security information.
  • AdvancedPricingImportExport: I reckon this one can be disabled if you don't use the Import/Export feature or the advanced pricing.
  • Authorization: cannot be disabled it's the module that handles the ACL
  • Authorizenet: can be disabled if you don't use
  • Backend: cannot be disabled it handles the backend.
  • Backup: can be disabled if you don't use the Magento backup feature.
  • BrainTree: can be disabled if you don't use BrainTree
  • Bundle: can be disabled if you don't use bundle products.
  • BundleImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use bundle products via Import/Export
  • CacheInvalidate: can be disabled if you don't use Varnish cache (but you should!)
  • Captcha: can be disabled if you don't use captchas
  • Catalog: well I reckon it can be disabled but why would you ?
  • CatalogImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use Import/Export for the catalog
  • CatalogInventory: cannot be disabled
  • CatalogRule: I reckon it could be disabled if you don't use catalog price rules
  • CatalogRuleConfigurable: can be disabled if you don't use catalog price rule with configurable products
  • CatalogSearch: keep it ;)
  • CatalogUrlRewrite: same for this one
  • CatalogWidget: this one can be disabled if you don't use the catalog widget product list
  • Checkout: keep it
  • CheckoutAgreements: can be disabled if you don't use the checkout agreements.
  • Cms: ain't sure if it can really be disabled if you don't use CMS features to be honest.
  • CmsUrlRewrite: see above
  • Config: cannot be disabled it handles the System Configuration feature.
  • ConfigurableImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use configurable with the Import/export feature
  • ConfigurableProduct: can be disabled if you don't use configurable products
  • Contact: can be disabled if you don't use the contact page
  • Cookie: keep it ;)
  • Cron: same here
  • CurrencySymbol: I think it can be disabled if you don't use multiple currencies
  • Customer: well ^^
  • CustomerImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use the Import/Export feature with customers
  • Deploy: I reckon it depends on your deployment methods but this is the module that handles the deploy CLI commands
  • Developer: can be disabled in production I reckon, it provides several CLI commands for developers.
  • Dhl: can be disabled if you don't use DHL
  • Directory: I reckon it cannot be disabled as it handles the management of countries and regions.
  • Downlodable: can be disabled if you don't use downloadable products.
  • DownlodableImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use downlodable products with the Import/Export feature.
  • Eav: cannot be disabled
  • Email: cannot be disabled
  • EncryptionKey: should not be disabled because it handles the advanced encryption model to protect passwords/sensitive data.
  • Fedex: can be disabled if you don't use FedEx.
  • GiftMessage: can be disabled if you don't use gift messages.
  • GoogleAdwords: can be disabled if you don't use Adwords.
  • GoogleAnalytics: can be disabled if you don't use Analytics (who does that ?)
  • GoogleOptimizer: can be disabled if you don't use Google Experiment (A/B testing) with Google Analytics
  • GroupedImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use grouped products with the Import/Export feature.
  • GroupedProduct: can be disabled if you don't use grouped products.
  • ImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use the Import/Export feature at all.
  • Indexer: keep it
  • Integration: pretty sure it can be disabled if you don't use the web API.
  • LayeredNavigation: can be disabled if you don't use the Layered navigation.
  • Marketplace: can be disabled it displays partners of Magento in the backend.
  • MediaStorage: keep it
  • Msrp: I reckon it can be disabled if you don't use the MSRP feature of Magento.
  • Multishipping: can be disabled if you don't use the "ship to multiple addresses" feature.
  • NewRelicReporting: can be disabled if you don't use NewRelic.
  • Newsletter: can be disabled if you don't use the newsletter feature of Magento.
  • OfflinePayments: can be disabled if you don't use the following payment methods: bank transfer, cash on delivery, check/money order and purchase order.
  • OfflineShipping: can be disabled if you don't use the following shipping methods: free shipping, flat rate, table rates and store pickup.
  • PageCache: keep it
  • Payment: same
  • Paypal: can be disabled if you don't use PayPal.
  • Persistent: can be disabled if you don't use the persistence feature of Magento.
  • ProductAlert: can be disabled if you don't use the product alerts feature.
  • ProductVideo: can be disabled if you don't use videos for your products.
  • Quote: keep it
  • Reports: I reckon it can be disabled if you don't use the Magento reports.
  • RequireJs: keep it
  • Review: can be disabled if you don't use the review system.
  • Rss: can be disabled if you don't use RSS
  • Rule: it's the abstract module extended by the sales rule, catalog rule etc.. Theorically if you don't use any of the rules you can disable it
  • Sales: keep it
  • SalesRule: can be disabled if you don't use the shopping cart rules.
  • SalesSequence: should be kept. It's responsible for the sequences processing in Sales module.
  • SampleData: can be disabled if you don't use the sample data
  • Search: keep it
  • Security: keep it
  • SendFriend: can be disabled if you don't use the send to friend feature.
  • Shipping: keep it
  • Sitemap: you can disable it if you don't want to manage the sitemap.
  • Store: keep it
  • Swagger: I think it can be disabled if you don't want to check the Magento REST API in a user friendly format.
  • Swatches: can be disabled if you don't use the swatches
  • SwatchesLayeredNavigation: can be disabled if you don't use the swatches in your layered navigation
  • Tax: keep it except if you live in a tax free world. In that case, send me an invite to your world.
  • TaxImportExport: can be disabled if you don't use the Import/Export feature with taxes.
  • Theme: keep it
  • Translation: theorically you can disable it if you don't need translations
  • Ui: keep it
  • Ups: can be disabled if you don't UPS
  • UrlRewrite: keep it
  • User: keep it
  • Usps: can be disabled if you don't use USPS
  • Variable: can be disabled if you don't use the custom variables feature.
  • Vault: can be disabled if you don't use Vault.
  • Version: should be disabled because it allows anyone to check your Magento version by accessing /magento_version
  • Webapi: can be disabled if you don't use the REST and SOAP web services.
  • WebapiSecurity: should not be disabled if you do use REST and SOAP web services.
  • Weee: can be disabled if you don't wee/fixed product taxes
  • Widget: can be disabled if you don't use widgets
  • Wishlist: can be disabled if you don't use the wishlist feature.
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