Magento – Localhost frontpage – index.php showing “This webpage is not available” – Admin works


Im trying to setup my LIVE Magento repo on localhost (WAMP) and simply can't get the website itself to work. Admin works. Currently I can conclude the following:

  1. Requesting: – the frontpage – does not work, shows "This webpage is not available"
  2. Requesting: – works
  3. Requesting: – works, I can login and see all of my database imported data. Products, users, sales – everything is there.

Symptons noted when I request the frontpage:

  1. Loading spinner "thinks" a lot – the frontpage doesn't give an
    instant response (so seems it's actually "connecting" to something)
  2. Nothing appears in the console.log
  3. Nothing / no errors appear in var/log or var/report

Any suggestions on what could be causing this?

What I tried – so far:

  1. Ran search and replace DB path values from LIVE site to locahost path via:
  2. Read several places using rather than localhost was
    recommend, so ended up using that
  3. Tried adding set_time_limit(1800); in the start of index.php
  4. In php.ini: set – max_execution_time = 1800
  5. In php.ini: set – max_input_vars = 1800
  6. In php.ini: set – memory_limit = 512M
  7. In php.ini: set – mysql.connect_timeout = -1
  8. Double checkhed In DB Table: core_config_data > web/unsecure/base_url +
    web/secure/base_url checked that path is set to:
  9. Deleted possible cache + sessions files in-between all
  10. In Backend > Index Management > Tried to re-index all

  11. In WAMP > Apache modules > Enabled filter_module,
    header_module, rewrite_module

I have a lot WordPress / custom projects running on localhost with alias, so WAMP itself would be fully functional and working.

Best Answer

Yes. I think you should go to Admin and System->Configuration->general->Web->Default Pages and select CMS Home Page to your page Hope you can solve it.

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