Magento – Locking indexer programmatically


I tried locking my indexer programmatically with this code as I used to do:

$indexer = Mage::getSingleton('index/indexer');

I noticed that my indexer didn't get locked and when i went looking in the core files I saw it was deprecated. Is there any other way to lock the indexer? I looked into it and didn't exactly see one.

Best Answer

You could just touch the lock file.

<?php touch('BP.DS.'var'.DS.'locks'.DS.'index_process_1.lock')


touch /home/path/public_html/var/locks/index_process_1.lock

This is obviously a low quality solution - but if you wanted to perform this action peripherally to Magento (eg. from a bash script, it would be suitable).

Otherwise, the methods you need are in Mage_Index_Model_Process

Such as isLocked(), lockAndBlock(), and unlock()

Assuming your module extends said class, you need only declare

const PROCESS_ID = 'my_indexer'

And use the methods as appropriate
