Magento 2 – Backend and Frontend Not Working Properly


I just installed M2 with all sample data. It was installed successfully but admin left panel links are not working. They all seems to be disabled.

My System:
1) Windows 7
2) Latest xampp (php 5.6.14)

Installation was successful but there is no sample data on front end either except few static page links like 'Privacy Policy' etc.

I guess there might be issue with windows 7 but i am not sure because installation was cool and success. What I am missing here?

In short it was installed successfully but not working much on frontend and admin as well.

Magento 2 Backend

Magento 2 Front end

Added images of front and backend. All links of left panel are not working in admin.

Best Answer

Try this Before that take Backup

  1. Remove everything, except .htaccess file from pub/static folder

  2. Open up app/etc/di.xml find the path “Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink” and replace to Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy

Note: Remove entire files and folder under pub/static except .htaccess file.

For More info ref this

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