Mage Registry Key ‘_singleton/ambase/feed’ Already Exists


One of the extension from Amasty was already installed in my website. I've installed another extension OPC and now I'm getting the error Mage registry key "_singleton/ambase/feed" already exists.

I've tried deleting cache folders, disabling compiler by command line

>php -f shell/compiler.php disable
>php -f shell/compiler.php clear

Still, I'm not able to login to Admin panel.
I've searched for Mage::register('_singleton/amba in my project folder but I don't find this code present in any of the folders.

Is that possible I can update this registry variable in database somehow?

Best Answer

You can disable Amasty_Base module via corresponding XML file, clear the cache folder. Then log in, disable compilation, check the OPC cache and then enable the module back.