Magento – Mage_Ajaxsddto_Helper_Data’ not found in app\Mage.php on line 547


unable to open permissions_role page I get below error

-Class 'Mage_Ajaxsddto_Helper_Data' not found in E:\CUBE9-XAMPP\htdocs\boxed\app\Mage.php on line 547

already added below code
4/ Add it on the node like this:


5/ Create folder app/code/{community/local}/{Vendor}/Ajaxsddto/Helper folder if it doesn't exists and create file Data.php:

class Vendor_Ajaxsddto_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract


any other resolution.

config.xml file






Best Answer

1/ Search recursively for the word Ajaxsddto inside folders app/code/community/ and app/code/local/

2/ When you find the module, open his config.xml inside app/code/{community/local}/{Vendor}/Ajaxsddto/etc folder

3/ Search for the string <helpers>, normally you won't find it.

4/ Add it on the <global> node like this:


5/ Create folder app/code/{community/local}/Etheme/Ajaxaddto/Helper folder if it doesn't exists and create file Data.php:

class Etheme_Ajaxaddto_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract


6/ Flush your Magento cache and test again.

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