Magento – Mage::getModel() fail to load the model


I am trying to learn Magento hard and although I have good understandig of OOP and programming ,still struggling.I am following tutorials ,do the same as there and got errors ,which is very dissapointing.I made module ,this is my config.xml :

<?xml version="1.0"?>

In the Model folder I have first User.php :


class Foggyline_HappyHour_Model_User extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
   protected $_eventPrefix      = 'foggyline_happyhour_user';
   protected $_eventObject      = 'user';

   protected function _construct()

in Model/Resuource/User.php :


class Foggyline_HappyHour_Model_Resource_User extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
   protected function _construct()
       $this->_init('foggyline_happyhour/user', 'user_id');

and Model/Resuorce/User/Collection.php :


class Foggyline_HappyHour_Model_Resource_User_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract
   public function _construct()

Also there is some init script for the database ,I don't know whether this is problem with database or something like this?

in my controller I have this function : 
public function testAction(){

page is just crashing with this code ,if I put capital letters 'Foggyline_Happyhour ,page is not crashing and show bool(false) ,which should mean nothing is instantiated,how do I fix this mess is the big question ? I am using Linux btw

Best Answer

in your config.xml, under resources/foggyline_happyhour_setup/setup, you have defined a model tag, but I think it has to be module:

Also look in you database, if the foggyline_happyhour_user table is created (most likely after you fixed the config.xml and cleared the cache)

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