Magento Logging – Mage::log() Does Not Log in All Files Used by Magento


I have overwritten Sitemap.php in app/code/local/Mage/Sitemap/Model/Sitemap.php. The file seems to be used, if I remove all contents, there's an error as expected.

I copied the complete content of the standard Sitemap.php, with one single change. I added

public function generateXml() {

When I do this anywhere else, it prints test in var/log/system.log as expected, only in this file, it does not log the message.

Any help is greatly appreciated



Mage::log('text', null, <file>, true);

does not work either

Best Answer

I would assume, the file is loaded but the method is not called. So just set a breakpoint (or bad way a die()) into your method and make sure it is called.

After magento is initialized Mage::log at least with the $force parameter writes its log

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