Magento on PHP 5.6 Not Loading


I am trying to upgrade my PHP version to 5.6.1 to get PCI DSS compliance certificate.

We compiled and enabled 5.6.1 on server and used it with an ApplicationHandler in .htaccess file.

On the same server for the subdomain DEV it worked without any problems. PDOs were a bit problematic but we handled to add the correct PDOs to PHP library.

Just some deprecated function usage errors which are easy to fix, but when I try to add it to live version via .htaccess it did not work at all. All I see is a blank page. No error messages, no reports, no logs, nothing. Just a blank page is welcoming me.

I checked all the enabled Extensions, they all are same.

I searched a lot on web to find some similar cases, came out nothing. I am all empty handed on the issue and I need to make it work.

If there is any body who experienced such a problem please let me know.

Best Answer

I recommend you check your apache error log. You should make sure it isn't generating errors or you may very well get a blank screen.

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