Magento 1.8 – Order Product Quantity Per 0.1 Decimals


I’m using Magento 1.8 and I am amazed that I cannot get the system to allow orders of 0.1 quantity. I’m building this store to sell fabrics, per 10 cm’s. So that would be 0.1 meters and I do not want the quantity to represent centimeters to avoid long numbers and customers ordering something in 251 cm’s.

I’ve tried the qty_increment field in the Admin > System > Configuration > Inventory but it only accepts full integers.

What I’ve tried so far:

  1. <- same bug in Magento 1.5 but produces big fat PHP error in 1.8.

  2. think about making all the fabrics a configurable product, but this would mean creating a selection pull down list from 0.1 to 25.0 or so in steps of 0.1 … very ugly IMHO.

Anybody know how to solve this or is Magento simply not meant for this?

Best Answer

I actually found the solution, you CAN do this in the Backend by going to

Product > Manage products > Select a product > Inventory > Enable Inventory > Enable Quantity uses Decimals > Stepsize 0.1

Note: Product price MUST be over 1 euro/dollar/any currency, or it won't work.