Magento 1.9 Customer Login – Customer Unable to Login in Chrome Browser Only


Strange situation with Magento Customer login for Chrome only (and mobile chrome browser).

Users can not login via customer/account/login/

They can login via checkout/onepage/

I have added:

<input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey(); ?>" />

to login.phtml underneath:

<ul class="form-list"> 


  • template/persistent/checkout/onepage
  • template/persistent/customer/form

I have increased the Cookie Lifetime to 33600 I have set the cookie domain (as recommended by a post on a forum, apprently google can be funny with cookies and there source).

Cache is all cleared in browsers and in var/cache and cleared in admin.
Sessions are cleared and session folder is set to 755 file permissions.

Any help at all would be appreciated

Best Answer

Only by removing all the files and doing a fresh install, reapply the theme I was able to overcome this issue.

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