Magento – Magento 1.9.1. CE : Disabling core_url_rewrite


I'm looking for an effective solution to disable completely core_url_rewrite table. I've disabled the Url Rewriting on the backend, but each time i add or update a product, an url_key is written to this table.

I don't need this feature.

Anybody have a solution to skip this step when I add/update product or when a execute the reindexation.

Best Answer

Disabling URL rewriting in the backend refers to something else, namely web server rewrites. This means, without them, URLs are in the form

instead of

It is not intended to disable the catalog rewrite feature, but if you want to prevent the index from being written, you can rewrite the model catalog/indexer_url and override reindexAll() and _processEvent(Mage_Index_Model_Event $event) with empty methods.