Magento 1.9.1 Color Swatch – Setup and Customization Guide


For Magento 1.9.1 Color Swatches, I wonder if it support
Multiple Swatches that both lead to an image change?

For example, my product is a "Pen with a rubber attached", can i make 2 color swatch one for the pen color and the second swatch for the rubber color.
And user can see the correct color combination after the 2 swatches are selected?

many thanks!

Best Answer

Yes you can select multiple attributes to be used as a swatch, when all options are selected the image from the resulting simple will be shown.

To select multiple swatches goto: System=>Configuration => Configurable Swatches => 'Product Attributes to Show as Swatches in Product Detail' and select the attributes you want to use as a swatch.

Configure attributes to use as swatch

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