Magento 1.9.1 – Card Verification Number Not Saving in ‘Credit Card (Saved)’ Payment Option


We need to save the 3 digit code from the back of the card. I enabled the credit card (saved) payment option but Magento 1.9.1 (although it shows it during the order process) is not saving the Card Verification Number after customer fills that in during the order process. It does not show on the order in the Admin…Any ideas?

Best Answer

That's a really, really, really bad idea. PCI compliance regulations absolutely prohibit the CCV from being stored in any form. More info

Really, you shouldn't be storing credit card information locally in any form. Saved cards are nice, but do it with a tokenization solution like Paypal Credit Card Tokenization or Authorize.Net CIM. If you use some other payment processor already, there might be an extension for them too. This gives you the benefits of stored cards, without the major risk and liability of trying to do it locally.

If you have some business process that requires the card details, you should seriously consider changing that process.

Full disclosure: I wrote the CIM extension. These kinds of security concerns are what I deal with.

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