Magento – Magento use SQL expression in addFieldToFilter


I'm using Shop by Brand extension by Magestore guys and it stopped working when I upgraded to I investigated the issue and found out the problem was with new security patch. So I've investigated more and figured out that in APPSEC-1063, addressing possible SQL injection Magento guys explained that the following code:

$collection->addFieldToFilter('(field1-field2)', array('eq'=>3));

Should be changed to:

$expression = '(field1-field2)';
$condition = $this->_getConditionSql($expression, array('eq'=>3));

So we can't use SQL expressions as a direct parameter of addFieldToFilter anymore.

In the extension, there's this piece of code:

// Magestore_Shopbybrand_Model_Mysql4_Brand_Collection:153
return parent::addFieldToFilter("IF(brand_$field.value IS NULL, main_table.$field, brand_$field.value)", $condition);

So the problem is right here because when I changed the code to following it works:

return parent::addFieldToFilter("main_table.$field", $condition);

Yeah, I know I should open a ticket about this (and I will) but I was curious how can I fix something like this?

Best Answer

not sure if this will work, but you can try to use addExpressionFieldToSelect and then having on the expression you use.

Something like

    '{{field1}} - {{field2}}',
    array('field1' => 'real_field1_name', 'field2' => 'real_field2_name')

and then

$collection->getSelect()->having('expression_alias >= 3');
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