Magento 1.9 – 404 Error in Magento Connect Manager


I have been having some issues with my magento connect manager. I feel like i have tried everything so I am reaching out for some help. Things I have tried…

  1. Resetting Permissions in the folder and file
  2. Took a folder from a fresh magento download and replaced it.
  3. Clear cache, log out log back in.

I'm not even sure when it happened.

I'm thinking it could be my .htaccess maybe?

When I try to access it from the backend it redirects and gives me a 404 error on the front end and has this in the url. /extension_local/index/key/0f705abce4703672f731b6f12f42681d/

If someone could help or have any suggestions I would appreciate it!

Best Answer

It seems like the controller Mage_Connect_Adminhtml_Extension_LocalController is not available. Please make sure that you did not delete or deactivate Mage_Connect:

  • app/code/core/Mage/Connect should exist and be readable
  • The module should not be deactivated in app/etc/modules (check all XML files)
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