Magento 1.9 – Change Color of Email Templates


Im trying to change the color of the standard email templates. I have:

Magento 1.9
Set custom skin to my custom theme
Moved email-inline.scss and email-non-inline1.scss into my custom theme

All I am looking to do is change the background color from grey to white. No matter what i change on both those style sheets, the color does not change. I have even made the changes in the RWD folder, to make sure its not a themeing issue, and the color is still not changing. What i am doing wrong? How can you change the background color of these email templates from grey to white?

thanks !

Best Answer

NOTE: In my answer I will describe how to do this for Magento's default package and theme. This should work in the same way for the RWD package and <SCSS> files. The important part is step 2 and to notice that there are multiple selectors in which the background color is defined.

To change the background color of Magento e-mail templates in Magento CE do the following.

  1. Copy the <CSS> file




  2. Open this file. The default background color for emails used by Magento is #ebebeb. This color is defined in several places. You need to find the following selectors

    body {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        text-align: left;
        color: #333333;
        background-color: #ebebeb;

    which is around line 33, and

    body {
        background: #ebebeb;
        font-size: 12px;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

    which is around line 55, and

    #background-table {
        background-color: #ebebeb;

    which is around line 83

  3. change the value of the background and background-color properties to (e.g.) #fff.

  4. Make sure to flush all cache (just in case...)

This should give you a white background for all Magento email templates.

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