Magento – Magento 1.9 – CMS Home Page not show content


I have a problem with a cms homepage in my store. So, in my store i deleted the menu item from home page and I kept only the menu items of the individual product categories. But for first page of my store, in System, i selected "Home Page Custom" for default page.

I have already selected the CMS page viewable in Italian and English language of the store. But still, when I go to my store at i see the template of my site with menu and footer but without the content of my CMS Page. Only when i selected language of my store in Italian or English i see the content of my CMS home page.

How can I view the default content of my CMS Page without having to select the language?

Thank you very much

enter image description here

Best Answer

I finally found the problem. In my .htaccess file I had the following entry.


By commenting this out the front pages returned.

I hope this helps someone in the future.

And also check for the static blocks on the home page then check the stores and set it as the CMS home page.

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