Magento – Magento 1.9 – .htaccess file missing


I have a problem with the .htaccess file in the root category of my server. It is not there.
I searched for hours (google), but i haven't found any solutions. (Magento 1.9)

I activated "display hidden files" in Filezilla (I'm not working with APACHE – I'm working with a Testdomain), but it is still lost…

I need the .htaccess file for setting up Multilingual Websites on my Server.

The only .htaccess file I Found is the one in the var folder:

Order deny,allow Deny from all


Best Answer

Have you tried uploading a new version / copy from your original Magento 1.9 download?

If you don't have this then grab another version via and see if that works.