Magento 1.9 – Invalid Secret Key Error, Please Refresh the Page


After new magento 1.9 installation when I am login to the admin panel there is a fine flow.

After that if I am opening admin panel on other tab like:

It is showing error on dashboard

Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I had this issue on EE 1.14, and was provided SUPEE-10358 to fix (which it did!).

The patch updates one line in app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Controller/Action.php

In the preDispatch() method, replace if ($_keyErrorMsg != ''){ with if (!$_isValidFormKey) { (around line 189).

I haven't tried it yet in CE, but Action.php is the same in CE 1.9, so I'm hoping this same patch will do the trick.