Magento 1.9 – Sass Fallback Structure


I am trying to get the Sass fallbacks to work with Magento 1.9. I have created my own theme as skin/frontend/rwd/mytheme.

I have followed the instructions here: by using the following code in the rwd/default/scss/config.rb file:

add_import_path "../../../rwd/default/scss"

To find the original Sass files. I have deleted all except layout/_footer.scss from my theme. When I try to compile with CodeKit I get this error:

enter image description here

Clearly it's not finding the fallbacks. I have also tried putting the add_import_path code into my theme's config.rb file and the root config.rb file but nothing seems to work. Does anybody have any ideas?

Best Answer

In step 2 of the "Sass Fallback Structure", it indicates specific directories that you are allowed to delete. However there are some files that you MUST have in your custompackage/customtheme/scss directory, and those are:

var.scss core.scss styles-ie8.scss styles.scss scaffold-forms.scss custom_core.scss framework.scss

If you have those files in your scss directory, you should be able to compile the Sass files using Codekit.

I don't have Codekit, but here is proof via the command line that this will work, if you set things up correctly:

enter image description here

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