Send Shipment Email Without Packing Slip in Magento 1.9


i would ask how send shipment email to customer, when the order status change in backend, without the attached of Packing Slip. Where can i go for not include packing slip in shipment email?

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

You can do this by modifying the email template from the Magento admin. From the dashboard,

  1. Go to System > Transactional Emails
  2. Click on Add New Template
  3. Under Template, Select "New Shipment", set locale and Load Template
  4. Enter a new template name
  5. Edit the template - This is where you remove anything you don't want to be sent in the email or add new things.
  6. Save the new Template.
  7. Go to System > Configuration > Sales Emails > Shipment
  8. Set shipment Email Template to the new template you created and Save.

Do the same for Guest Shipment Emails if you allow guest checkout.