Magento – Magento 1.9 – Show Custom Attribute value after availability status on product detail page


Created a custom attribute and assigned it to all attribute set for Magento 1.9 Sample Data. I have set Visible on Product View page and Product Listing page to YES.


Assigned attribute value to product as shown below

Product Points

The attribute value is shown under additional information on product details page. How do I show it as shown in below image using layout. Which block do I need to change ? My extension resides under app/code/local/

points details

Best Answer

I'm confused a bit. You state you created a custom attribute. You then speak of using an extension in app/code/local. Why do you need an extension for placing an attribute?

Have you considered adding to /app/design/frontend/yourtheme/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml something like this?

<p>YOU WILL EARN <?php echo $_product->getAttributeText('customer_product_points') ?> POINTS FOR PURCHASING THIS PRODUCT.</p>
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