Magento – Magento 1.9.X – category page title


How to get Magento category page title in frontend?
Already tried:

<?php if ($category->getPageTitle()):?>
    <?php echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_category->getPageTitle(), 'page_title') ?>
<?php else: ?>

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think, you have a typo here (if you have created page_title attribute) :

Replace <?php if ($category->getPageTitle()):?> WITH <?php if ($_category->getPageTitle()):?>

If you want to get meta_title (this is shown as Page Title in category edit page at admin)

enter image description here

then use :

<?php if ($_category->getMetaTitle()):?>
    <?php echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_category->getMetaTitle(), 'meta_title') ?>
<?php else: ?>